First-rate Telephone Support
There is no better first impression a host can give, than by providing first-rate Telephone Support and Customer Service! Your callers don’t want to hold for long, and when they get through to someone they want accurate answers, fast.

More than Triage
Our Telephone services are governed by two main factors – Quality and Time.
When engaging your customers over a phone call, our team will listen to get the full picture – name, domain, the nature of the call and any specifics to that. From there we’ll work to understand and duplicate the problem, identify the solution, and either put it in place ourselves, advise the caller on how to self-manage it, or escalate as needed to see the matter resolved.
Time is money!
Calls take time. Minutes cost money. We’re aware of this and work hard to stretch your phone support dollar. Our agents collect info on calls and determine the time necessary to solve the issue(s) therein. If a call can be completed within 5 minutes, we’ll do all the work right there during the call! If the call might take much longer, we work to ensure all the needed info is collected and accurate, and log a ticket to have the work completed.
Get In Touch & Gain Peace of Mind
You’re one step away from faster web hosting support, expert talent and better server health.